Two Days in Tehran
Greg Alexander sets up the ultimate adventure vacation company… and accidentally treks into the bloody revolution to overthrow the Shah of Iran.
Not only does Greg face treachery on either side of the bitter struggle for power and survival, he finds that he can’t even trust the seemingly innocent travellers in his own party.
His life and those of his passengers swing in a precarious balance as he tries to make sense of the murky and muddled politics, alliances and feuds of the Middle East and navigate the twisting road to safety
Based on a real life journey and the bloody revolution that changed the face of Islam, sending out shock-waves that still rock the world four decades later.
ISBN 9780-956-3430-7-9
As you read through the book, you can’t help but appreciate Hunt’s obvious inside knowledge of both the region and its history and culture. His descriptions of the countryside as the story unfolds, and of his characters as they develop, leave the reader with a sense of being part of the voyage and experiencing the intrigues and suspense first-hand as the adventure descends into tension and finally danger.
Tigran Kalaydijan
Mr Hunt's fast moving narrative keeps you on the hop right through to the very last page with the exciting twists and turns of events surrounding the revolution of the Ayatollahs and what happens when innocent European travellers become involved ... or are they really innocent? By my book, it's the read for this summer.
R. C. Busà